Artistry in Wood By Bill Dopson A.K.A. Woodworker Willie
My name is Bill Dopson, A.K.A. Woodworker Willie.
I have been doing wooden Intarsia for about 30 years, and although I am an old dog, (born in 1942) I am still learning new tricks. Hardly a day goes by that I don't find a new, better or easier way to do something. I make all of my patterns out of Baltic Birch Plywood, and I can then use them over and over again. I now have 175 plywood patterns, and the number keeps growing. Although I use the same patterns, there are no two pieces that are identical, because of the different woods used. This is true also because of the different texturing,,shaping etc. On this page I will add a few pictures from different catagories from the several different pages.
Just below this item there are several buttons, that
when clicked on, will take you to all of the different
pages with different types of subject matter.
below that is an assortment of pictures